Governance Reviews

Governance Review

Our reviews of governance look at how well your Board is working. The review will strengthen governance and its impact on school improvement by identifying the Board's strengths and areas for development with reference to regulatory bodies and governance codes of practice.

Our governance review will help your Board to be more skilled, focused and effective. By the end of the review, the Board will be aware of what they need to do in order to improve outcomes for all pupils and the different options to make changes more impactful.

At the end of the review the Board will receive an in-depth report identifying areas of good practice and areas which need to be improved, with recommendations and suggested actions.

Board Minutes Review

This desktop review will examine your Board's written minutes and see whether they confirm the Board's hard work and determination. A written report will be received by the Board of the findings, with recommendations and suggested actions.

Mini Governance Review

After a governance review, many Boards wish to see how they have progressed and have external validation of their progress and improved governance. During this mini-review, we will talk to governors and examine Board minutes to identify the progress and changes made. In discussion with the Board, next steps are identified for the board to continue to develop and improve.

Facilitated Self Review

The Competency frameworks expect Boards to have processes for regular self-evaluation, review and improvement. This two hour facilitated self-review gives Boards a framework to use and assist the Board to begin to identify their good practice and evidence, for them then to continue by themselves.

Bespoke Whole Governing Board Training Session

Every Board's challenges and needs are different, as every school is different. This two-hour training session is tailored to meet the specific gaps or needs of your Board. These may be sessions adapted from one of our training programmes or bespoke training especially designed for you.


We can provide expert Governance advice for specific issues so that governors are able to find effective solutions, e.g. complaints or specific projects such as Governance framework and delegation schemes.

Please complete the form below to book one of your services and we'll be in touch to confirm your booking. Please complete the date and a time fields if you require a clerk for a particular meeting.